Tuesday, 11 June 2024

RIP - Dr Michael Mosley

It's so sad that Michael died this week. He had a profound impact on my physical fitness as it was through watching this video I discovered Interval Training. 

Ever since I heard about this from Michael Mosely, three time a week, Susan and I have been doing 4 x 60m sprints in approximately 25 seconds each with a 60m recovery walk between each.

Thank you so much Michael and as this meme says...

Dr Michael Mosley, so much of of what you have created will live on way past our lifetimes. ❤️

Friday, 4 November 2022

Land For Wildlife

Susan & I participated in the Springwood Conservation Park BioBlitz last Sunday. Staff from the our Logan City Council were there to teach us how to use the iNaturalist APP. 

You can view the observations from this project here:

Soon we will be uploading observations from our property. 

Monday, 3 February 2020

The Benefits of Interval Training

Susan & I are finding Interval training an excellent way to improve our fitness and general health.